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Blog posts after 1 Feb 2018 about Steppe eagles tracked from Oman can be found at the Steppe eagle blog

Monday, March 23, 2015


Although nothing much seems to be happening with the marked vulture, that in itself is interesting because it implies that there is enough food around for this bird to move within a relative small area.  The linear nature of the locations are in part a result of this bird (like other Egyptian vultures) spending much of their time perched on power line pylons.  Another interesting thing is that this bird has not spent much time at the site where it was caught:  the Muscat municipal rubbish dump marked on the map as Al Amerat.  Many tons of rubbish are disposed of at that dump daily, and large numbers of Egyptian vultures can be seen there, especially in the winter, when migrants from Eurasia are present. (If you click on the map is should open in another window and be larger and easier to see.)
Movements of radiotagged Egyptian vulture during 16-23 March