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Blog posts after 1 Feb 2018 about Steppe eagles tracked from Oman can be found at the Steppe eagle blog

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Supplementary material for McGrady et al. In press. Sandgrouse 44.

These figures provide supplementary information about an Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) tracked as it transitioned during 2018 - 2020 from being a floating individual in Oman and Iran to an apparent territory holder in Iran.  The published account of the movements of that bird is:

McGrady, MJ, Schmidt, M, Elahi Rad, Z & Meyburg, B-U. In press. Tracking of an Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus as it transitions from being a floater to being a territory-holder.  Sandgrouse 44: xxx - xxx. 

Ornithological Society of the Middle East: https://osme.org/

Supplementary Figure 1. Box plot of daily travel range of an Egyptian Vulture tracked in Oman and Iran during six purported periods of floating, acquiring a territory and breeding, 20 January 2018 – 30 March 2020. 1 - Floating in Oman and Iran, 2 - Pre-recruitment, 3 - Prospecting for territory, 4 - Breeding, territory holding 2019, 5 - Non-breeding, territory holding, 6 - Breeding season 2020 (partial). Boxes = 2nd and 3rd quartile, red diamond=mean, line in box=median, whiskers=approx 95% confidence intervals, black dot=outliers.