These figures provide supplementary information about an Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) tracked as it transitioned during 2018 - 2020 from being a floating individual in Oman and Iran to an apparent territory holder in Iran. The published account of the movements of that bird is:
McGrady, MJ, Schmidt, M, Elahi Rad, Z & Meyburg, B-U. In press. Tracking of an Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus as it transitions from being a floater to being a territory-holder. Sandgrouse 44: xxx - xxx.
Ornithological Society of the Middle East:
Supplementary Figure 1. Box plot of daily travel range of an Egyptian Vulture tracked in Oman and Iran during six purported periods of floating, acquiring a territory and breeding, 20 January 2018 – 30 March 2020. 1 - Floating in Oman and Iran, 2 - Pre-recruitment, 3 - Prospecting for territory, 4 - Breeding, territory holding 2019, 5 - Non-breeding, territory holding, 6 - Breeding season 2020 (partial). Boxes = 2nd and 3rd quartile, red diamond=mean, line in box=median, whiskers=approx 95% confidence intervals, black dot=outliers.