The two Steppe Eagles we have been following have continued the summer-time pattern of movement: They seem to settle in locations for some days or even some weeks, then move on, sometimes returning to places visited earlier in the summer. One eagle started August i8n far southern Russia, then moved into
Kostanay Oblast, Kazakhstan., where some eagle researchers have been working. Most recently it has been about 60 km E of the town of Karabutak. These areas are characterised by wheat fields, grasslands and intermittent lakes and rivers (See photo below). During the past month, this bird sometimes moved outside the GSM coverage, but as it moved back within the network coverage, it downloaded archived data, sometimes spanning a couple of weeks. The other bird is in far western Kazakhstan, near the Caspian Sea in
Mangystau Oblast, about 40 km N of the town of Aktau. This is a dry area (Photo below).
Movements of two Steppe Eagles during 27 July - 22 August 2017. |
A landscape from Kosanay Oblast. |
A landscape from Mangystau Oblast |