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Blog posts after 1 Feb 2018 about Steppe eagles tracked from Oman can be found at the Steppe eagle blog

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Early June 2015

The young bird we have been tracking has moved up from Quriyat toward Muscat, and on 1 June visited the municipal rubbish dump at Al Amerat, and the northern part of Wadi Sareen Reserve.  Since then it has been moving in the mountains to the east of Al Amerat.  Just to remind you, this is a bird that is too young to breed, but it seems to be a bird that was probably reared in Oman.  It may take another three years before we know if and where it will breed.
Movements of a second year Egyptian vulture during 1-9 June 2015.


  1. There were several adult and juvenile at the Quriyat end of Wadi Mijlas weekend of 7th and a couple in wadi

  2. If you look back at earlier posts, you will see that the bird being tracked also used Wadi Mijlas. Of course, at this time of year we'd expect all those birds to be Omani birds. Migrants will start arriving in 2-3 months
